5 Sure Ways to Take Charge of Social Media

Social media is a way of life in modern society. There are so many platforms to connect with others and share snippets from your own life. Connections are being made like never before, and there are tons of advantages to these platforms.

Unfortunately, there are also some downsides. When you’re working proactively to unlock your potential, social media can skew your perception, making it difficult to tell whether you’re on the right path for you or if you’re falling into the trap of comparing your life to others’. Plus, “fomo” (fear of missing out) can enable frequent checking of your feeds and affect your overall productivity. Let’s examine the effects social media can have on the pursuit of your goals and what you can do to take charge of your own social media consumption.

Social Media Today. There are numerous social networking platforms, each with its own particular purpose. They can be a great way to network with others in your profession, to look for job leads and to learn more about your industry. Keeping up with friends and family is a huge advantage of these sites too, especially for those who live long distances apart. Social media can bring people together in our busy world and make connections that weren’t possible before these platforms came into existence.

Downsides of Social Media. However, it’s a fairly well-known fact that social media does come with some negatives. People tend to only share their best sides. We get a “highlight reel” of their daily lives. There are social media influencers whose livelihoods depend upon presenting a certain image. This can cause many users to compare themselves to others in negative ways. You might feel like you can never live up to the lives of those you see on social media. Social media can be stressful and lead to a compromised self-image. You may find yourself distracted from your own goals when you’re bombarded by the seemingly perfect lives of those on social media.

How to Take Charge. You don’t have to let social media control your perceptions, though. You can take charge to make it the experience you want it to be.

  1. DECIDE: Start by deciding how much time you want to spend on the sites each day and then stick to it.
  2. PAIR DOWN: Next, start paring down your connections.
  3. OUT WITH THE MESSY: Get rid of anyone whose posts cause negative feelings in you.
  4. REMIND YOURSELF: Remind yourself that most people are only showing their “highlight reel” and try to avoid comparisons.
  5. LOOK FOR INSPIRATION: Instead of feeling threatened or insecure, find ways to be motivated by the accomplishments and activities of your network.

Social media can be a really positive thing and can help to move you forward. But that’s only if you use it in healthy ways.

I like to block out time for social media, checking it only at specific times of the day. You can block out time in your 2020 Unlock Your Potential Planner. This will help you break the habit of constantly checking your feeds and endless scrolling, freeing up more time for you to work toward your goals.

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